Life in the family
From my first days as a Christian, I’ve known that I was part of God’s family. With time in God’s word, I’ve developed some studies that have let me look in a fresh way at what He says about living this way. I hope these studies benefit you.
- Spiritual Warfare
- Spiritual Gifts
- Spiritual Maturity
- Margie’s Notes on the Left Behind Series
- Martha and Mary
- Paul–the Apostle to the Gentiles
- One Anothers/Each Others
- Walking as Jesus Walked (John’s point of view)
For information about these studies, click on the study’s name. If you’d like one of these free studies without reading more about them, click on shop right now to get a PDF format. Most versions will allow you to type in your answers and observations.
One of the first lessons I learned as a follower of Jesus was to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). This challenge was hard but so freeing. Then I started learning about other passages in Paul’s writing that helped me stand up to the enemy’s tactics. Want to learn about how to fight the enemy and win? Check out this study.
As a young believer, I often wondered how I fit in with other believers. Then I started learning about spiritual gifts that are given to believers for the benefit of the Body of Christ and those who don’t know Jesus yet.
If you want to learn how you fit in (and you do), and figure out what spiritual gift(s) you’ve been given by the Trinity, check out this study.
We all know what growing up looks like from our own lives and from our families and friends’ families we’ve known. But how do we grow up spiritually? This study will help you understand the process we all have to go through.
Margie’s notes on the Left Behind series
If our last look in the New Testament at what was happening with the followers of Jesus was in John’s short letters, Peter’s 2nd letter, and Jude, we might be a little (a lot?) depressed.
But then we start to read John’s description of the vision Jesus gave him about what’s to come. I’ve found that the Left Behind series gave me an understanding of the end of time, but often scripture wasn’t included or the references weren’t listed.
My notes in this study add all of the scriptures I found for the storyline in the series, and I came away encouraged. Our heavenly Father has a plan that He’ll put in place at the time of His choosing. What we see now isn’t the end.
I’ve always felt that Martha has gotten a bum rap from sermons I’ve heard, so I decided to take a fuller look at the different times that she and her sister Mary spent time with Jesus. Perhaps the Father had a larger role in mind for this family.
Who is this man that Jesus chose to take the gospel to the Gentiles and spread His word all over the known world?
Have you ever wondered how we’re to live in the family of God? The one anothers and each others in the New Testament tell us how.
In 1 John 2:3-6, John writes that whoever claims to live in God must walk as Jesus did. What does John mean?